School Tours
Welcome to Barbara Benson Elementary School!
Benson Elementary is a small, community school located in the heart of Tustin, California. With just over 300 students, Benson teachers and staff develop strong relationships with students and families.
CURRICULUM: Teachers use Units of Study in grades K-5 for our core reading program. Explicit phonics and phonemic awareness instruction in grades K-1 with interventions and supports for students who need additional support in all grade levels help ensure all students make growth in the foundational skills needed to become strong readers.
Math instruction at Benson is a combination of Houghton Mifflin Math Expressions with cognitively guided instruction and personalized math apps to provide strategic support or acceleration in mathematical skills.
ENRICHMENT: Benson offers many enrichment opportunities for students such as Pacific Symphony Orchestra's Class Act music program, Art Masters to learn about famous artists, and PE for all students. For our upper grade students, we also offer robotics, volleyball, districtwide music, and Walk-Through California and Walk-Through the Revolution to bring history to life.
Benson Elementary School houses five Special Day Classes providing high quality instruction for our most at-risk learners. Mainstreaming opportunities allow students to work together which develops students who are caring, inclusive, and compassionate of others.
Jaclyn Spangler
Principal Benson Elementary